All posts by admin

Slow and Steady wins the race

We at conducted personal interviews about the positioning of  The Adidas Group.Over the years Adidas slowly but surely has become the world's second leader in sports apparel industry.We at believe this was done by the Adidas group positioning itself in the "Against" positions this allow the company to maneuver its self as the best of the rest or "If the company isn't the…

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Ballin out of control !!!

WOW !!!!  When creativity stops being creative. understands shock value but what happened to couth. When Al Reis and Jack Trout  wrote  "The only defense a person in our overcommunicated society is an oversimplified mind" don't know if this what they envisioned. Reis and Trout authors of  Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind:  named key examples of  the positioning concept…

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